Monday, 11 August 2014

And that's why: Fashion Victim

It's no secret that I'm not really in fashion.  I tend to be a few years behind the latest fashion trend.  With one exception.  When the movie You've Got Mail came out, Meg Ryan's pixie cut became popular and I decided to chop my locks.  It's one time I should have just let others follow the trend.  I did not pull that look off and I'm reminded of it every time I see pictures of myself from back then.  And that is why I will never jump on the leggings boat. I'm saving myself the embarrassment in 10 years when I look back at pictures from today.  

This morning I came down wearing pants with cuffs that were popular a few years ago instead of the skinny cuff that is "in" right now. Like I said, I'm always behind the times in fashion.  My husband said, "I like those pants on you.  They look good."  

And that's why I love hubby.

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Mama's Confessions #1

Most moms would know better, but the other day I took my cranky girls to Walmart after a doctor's appointment to pick up a few things.  When I say a few things, I really mean it.  I think I had 4 things on my list. What is it about being in a store (especially Walmart) that escalates behaviors to the max?  Sassy was pushing the stroller with her feet and running into people.  When she wasn't doing that she was pushing on the breaks anytime I stopped.  Add to that a whiny Sissy and a wailing little Missy and I was about ready to lose it! 

So I did what was absolutely necessary in that moment.  I bought a chocolate bar. Just for me. When we got home I put a movie on for the girls and I sat behind them on the couch and fed missy while savoring square after square of my chocolate bar.  I made sure they didn't see me so I wouldn't have to share.  I'm greedy like that once in a blue moon.  And you know what?  It made my frazzled nerves smooth out and suddenly everything was alright in the world.  Ahhhh... Chocolate.  Sometimes it's the little things...


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As you can see from my profile, this blog will be a collection of my experiences over the last few years along with new experiences along the way.  I've created this blog in an attempt to share certain topics with strangers without sacrificing the privacy of my family.  

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