It's no secret that I'm not really in fashion. I tend to be a few years behind the latest fashion trend. With one exception. When the movie You've Got Mail came out, Meg Ryan's pixie cut became popular and I decided to chop my locks. It's one time I should have just let others follow the trend. I did not pull that look off and I'm reminded of it every time I see pictures of myself from back then. And that is why I will never jump on the leggings boat. I'm saving myself the embarrassment in 10 years when I look back at pictures from today.
This morning I came down wearing pants with cuffs that were popular a few years ago instead of the skinny cuff that is "in" right now. Like I said, I'm always behind the times in fashion. My husband said, "I like those pants on you. They look good."
And that's why I love hubby.